About: Andy Phippen
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- Andy Phippen is a Professor of Social Responsibility in Information Technology at the University of Plymouth. He lectures Business and IT ethics and IT management. He has worked for 15 years with the IT sector considering social issues around the technologies they develop, the ethics therein, and how the public engage with such. He has advised Governments on issues of the social impact of technological innovation and social responsibility by service providers. He specialises in work around the use of technology by children and young people, looking at areas around online safety, privacy, digital literacy and the impact of “digital natives” in the workplace. He is a research advisor to the UK Safer Internet Centre, and also has worked with BT, Google and FaceBook on issues related to children’s online practice. He speaks regularly at schools on issues such safe online practice, data protection and privacy, social responsibility in business, the role of technology in shaping society, how to establish a career in the tech sector and more general talks around learning in Higher Education . He has worked as a STEM ambassador and is also vice-chair of governors at St Kew Primary School in Cornwall, with special responsibility for the Early Years subject area. He lives in North Cornwall, swimming, cycling and surfing as much as work and family life will allow.