Experts to United Nations: hentai ban would be a mistake

A United Nations committee is circulating a draft document that could bring in a global ban on the sexual depiction of minors in drawings and cartoons, including lolicon and shotacon hentai—a Japanese comic book artform—and it has human rights experts worried.

No politician wants to be seen as being weak against child sexual abuse. But unfortunately the extent of what most voters know about child sexual abuse prevention is based on a series of popular myths. For example, the myth of stranger danger (95% of child sexual abuse is committed by those known to the child), the myth that everyone who abuses a child has pedophilia (73% of child abusers don’t), and the myth that the premature “sexualization” of minors can be attributed to their portrayal in art and in the media (it’s more complicated).

Understandably, confronting voters with the falsity of these beliefs is not a winning proposition for any politician seeking to remain in office. So they tend to focus on a child sexual abuse straw man, through popular measures like increased censorship, attacks on sex workers’ rights, and ever-harsher penalties for those who have already offended. It’s no surprise that such initiatives fail to work.

The proposal for United Nations controls on how minors can be depicted in cartoon art falls into the same category; it’s a popular measure that seems like it might protect children, but could actually do the opposite, while infringing the rights of innocent people such as artists, fans, and Internet users. But before explaining why, a bit of background on where this proposal has come from.

Who is behind the proposed ban?

The United Nations body behind the proposal, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, is composed of 18 expert members elected by the world’s governments in rotation. It does not directly make what is called “hard” international law, such as treaties or conventions. Those are made directly by governments; and an example is the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. This Optional Protocol is the international agreement that prohibits child pornography, which it defines as follows:

Child pornography means any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes.

The Optional Protocol itself is not new; it has been in place since 2000, and has been signed and ratified by 175 countries. What the Committee is now circulating for comment is a set of implementation guidelines for countries to follow to enact and enforce the Optional Protocol as part of their local law. Although these guidelines will be non-binding, they will still be influential—a kind of “soft law” that many countries will still be inclined to follow.

Facilitating the development of the Committee’s guidelines is a large global child protection network called ECPAT, that we have criticized for its support of the anti-sex worker law FOSTA/SESTA, and for sex-negative elements in its Luxembourg Guidelines that seek to modernize the terminology used to describe child sexual abuse. ECPAT—a private, non-governmental organization—has now succeeded in exporting relevant parts of its Luxembourg Guidelines into a form that is one step closer to being international law. And that’s a concern.

What does the ban cover?

The Implementation Guidelines cover a wide range of topics apart from the censorship of drawn images, and they certainly aren’t all bad. For example, they contain positive text about the need to “ensure that all persons, especially those caring for children, have an adequate knowledge of the different forms of sexual exploitation and abuse,” and suggesting that countries “carry out studies to analyse and assess the nature, extent, root causes and consequences on children” of child sexual abuse, with a view to preventing offending. We fully support these parts of the document, and will be making this clear in our submission.

But where it goes off the rails is in attempting to extend the definition of “child pornography” in the Optional Protocol to include drawings, dolls, and even the written word. Citing ECPAT’s Luxembourg Guidelines, the Committee asserts in its draft that the definition of child pornography implicitly includes:

visual material such as photographs, movies, drawings and cartoons; audio representations; any digital media representation; live performances; written materials in print or online; and physical objects such as sculptures, toys, or ornaments.

It further asserts that this should be the case because “such depictions contribute to normalising the sexualisation of children and fuels the demand of child sexual abuse material.” But no evidence is presented to support these assertions; on the contrary, they are based on sex-negative false assumptions about the link between art and child sexual abuse. Much art that depicts minors in an apparently sexual context is not produced by or for pedophiles, and there is no evidence of such art being linked to real-life child abuse.

In fact, experts even consider that the availability of fantasy representations such as cartoons and dolls may reduce real-life child abuse, by providing a victimless outlet for those who do find themselves thinking about of sex with minors. It’s a controversial idea, and a disturbing one for many people to think about. But if it has any chance of being correct, we think that it deserves to be the subject of research, rather than supposition. We are raising funds for just this sort of research.

What should we do instead?

In the meantime, let’s focus our attention back on the real children that we know are being harmed, rather than the fantasy children who can’t be. While platforms such as Reddit and Discord are banning cartoons, real images of child sexual abuse can easily be accessed using major search engines such as Yandex, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Until this much bigger problem is solved, banning cartoons is a distraction.

The United States Supreme Court has defined child pornography to include only representations of real children (or representations that are indistinguishable from real), because the circulation of such images directly contributes to a child’s abuse. It’s the right standard for us to hold to. Allowing governments—and still less the largely unaccountable United Nations—to narrow the boundaries of acceptable art won’t help children, but it will open the door to further censorship of legitimate speech.

So we’re asking you to stand up and support us in telling the United Nations to reject the expansion of international law to include a ban on cartoons. Complete the petition form below before the deadline, March 31.

Tell the UN: Art ≠ CSEM

This petition is now closed.

End date: Apr 01, 2019

Signatures collected: 17,620

17,620 signatures

Updated on February 19 to add our petition form and to clarify that written works could also come under the ban.

Disclosure: the author is a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum


  1. United States will not support Censorship of our first amendments or any new made laws that infringe on the people.

    1. They already are supporting censorship. Its why you can’ t swear on TV. Its why the President of the USA is calling for the prosecution of unflattering news agencies and no one with power says anything. No protest group etc when he calls them “Enemies of the People” and calls for sanctions against them and all we hear are cheers or lone voices in protest.

    2. Is that why your great president wants to stop journalists from saying bad things about him?

  2. […] Experts to United Nations: hentai ban would be a mistake. It seems like the group behind the push to criminalize shotacon and lolicon is one of the groups that supported FOSTA/SESTA. This page also has a message template, in case of you not knowing what to write in your message. […]

  3. Brazil and many other countries already have laws that criminalize some cartoon child pornography. It lead some of my friends to conclude that this change is aiming solely at Japan. To make matters more unfair, most people in Japan don’t know a English, Spanish or French and those are the only three languages they are accepting comments in. It’s almost as if they are making sure that Japan won’t have a voice in the matter.

    1. This is indeed intentionally aimed at Japan. The UN has been trying to force Japan to conform for years. They have been having success time after time. I can only wonder who ultimately pulls the strings and why.

  4. 日本で創作をやっているものです。

  5. If you have time to treat boys or girls who are fictional figures in cartoons or cartoons as child pornography, you should protect real children.You guys are looking at me with disgust.And watch it out!
    I thought

    1. I disagree, the illusory world is not the same as the real world. I fight with a knife and a gun in the game. I use the dagger to assassinate the enemy. But no one in the real world would think so, so I think the root cause is not anime, virtual and reality are very

  6. To value diversity &recognize UN’s action isn’t meaningless.
    It’s unavoidable to be pedo &loli.
    we should not attack otaku but
    enforce strict regulation on sexual predators.

    1. i think so

  7. 日本の文化の大半を占めるアニメや漫画をなぜ規制するのかワケがわからない。そして無視され続けてる子供の人権問題をみすみす見過ごしてるのは更に意味がわからない。

    1. 架空のものを帰省して非難するよりも実在する子供たちを守ることが最優先すべきである。

  8. in denmark ,netherlands,germany,sweden ,this ban not mean

  9. 日本も国際条約の批准により児童ポルノについては厳しい規制がかけられています。(当然)


  10. To the true apostles of justice.

    I am Japanese.
    Thank you expressed the correct opinion.
    You are a hero to me. and children of world.
    Let ‘s keep on working together.

    thank you.

  11. 反対の声明感謝いたします

  12. こちらの団体の意見に賛同したため、署名させていただきました。



  13. I agree with you.
    I hate, child sexual abuse, sexual crime, all crimes.
    I will agree that to protect the children.
    But,It is wrong to regulate fantasies, fiction, and comic.
    They should think more based on brain science and sex science.

  14. That`s great!!

  15. Culture should not be exploited by some with erroneous recognition.

  16. はるばる日本から失礼します。

  17. みなさんのように正しい考えを持った人々がいた事に感動しています

  18. 運営者様へ。

  19. 支援します

  20. Pretty disgusting how these committees have no idea of cultural differences and the effects their “laws” have.
    Hope this petition will change their minds!

  21. I want to point out in this occasion that, the term ‘Hentai’ itself is dubious. For Japanese it’s not clear why this term is used because ‘hentai’ means only ‘pervert’ in Japan. In Japan erotic comics are called ‘Ero-manga.’ When I tell this to westerners they say ‘Oh it’s normal’ with a certain kind of disapoointment as if it’s too normal. In fact in western media often negative subjects about Japan are treated as if that problem exist only in Japan, using sometimes these japanese words as if to confirm this idea. For example, when I hear people talk about ‘karo-shi'(death for overwork) they say ‘Oh in Japan even the word specifically for death for overwork exist!…’ but Karo-shi is a compound word, ‘death by accident’ is ‘Jiko-shi’, euthanasia is ‘anrakku-shi’ etc. This kind of tones and treatment tend to form preconceptions rather than information about Japan.

    1. Yes, I agree too.
      Western media has a problem of exoticizing problems that likely exist in other countries. They make it seem like a Japanese issue by referring to problems under the original Japanese terms. I hate that so much.

  22. I would like to introduce this article in Japanese. May I translate this into Japanese on my blog? If I may, I would like to publish the article on my blog. If you know the inquiry desk to ask this question, could you advise me to let me know it?
    I would like to spread this article because I think that limited resources should be used to protect real children, not to ban hentai arts.

    1. Yes, we would be delighted for you to translate the article into Japanese and to publish it on your blog. Thank you for your support.

  23. Fantasy should be free.

  24. 反対の声明ありがとうございます。ささやかながら日本で二次創作をしているものです。想像の世界と現実とを混合した国連の考えに納得出来ずにいました。あらゆる芸術は形を問わず守られるべきだと考えます。支援いたします。

  25. 救われるべきは小児だけですか?

  26. 世界中の文化、アーティストを守るための反対声明に心からの感謝を捧げます



  27. 反対の声明、心から感謝します。

  28. I agree with you, too.
    I believe that people cannot recognize the defference from fact and fiction are these who accuse and try to get rid of comics instead of helping to stop actual child abusing.

  29. 子供を傷つける大半の出来事は大人の都合によるものです、二次創作やマンガの中に存在する子供を規制したところで現実の子供たちへの被害は減りません。

  30. Creative arts and cultures are based on rights to freedom of exprssion. So no one can create anything without them.

  31. […] 児童保護団体のブログより「専門家より国連へ:HENTAIの禁止は間違いだろう」 […]

  32. このような真に意味がある運動が力を得る日が来ることを信じています

  33. I personally like loli art, so I’m quite biased on this front. I did sign the petition and wrote a letter to the CRC telling them why it’s a bad idea.

    Honestly, I no problem with protecting living, breathing human children from (sexual) abuse and exploitation by other adults.

    Regulating fiction and fantasy? Yeah. Not going to support that in any way, shape or form.

    It’s quite sad to see how many people in the West support censorship, artistic and literary genocide because it doesn’t fit with their perceived utopia of what animation, artwork, games and literature should be.

    If they had they had their way, they’d round up every uncensored version of the 1906 novel Josephine Mutzenbacher and burn those too…

    What it really boils down to is that they hate the fact that people exist with an attraction they can’t choose, and that they themselves can’t abolish.

    Instead, they try to suppress it through force and bigotry simply because it makes them feel uncomfortable.

    I feel sorry for the children. It must be depressing knowing that your worth as human being is equivalent to that of lines on a piece of paper.

  34. 亞洲扣掉 高性虐待國 印度 俄羅斯以外 是五大洲最低 嚴重獵奇得個案歐洲美國一堆
    要管去管好自己國內的垃圾人 而且 請分清楚性侵跟性虐待的區別
    越假清高的最假掰 可以參考教會性侵的數量
    P.S禁掉只會增加國內的兒童性侵事件而已 因為宣洩的管道沒了

  35. 快站出來啊各位,

  36. 算我一個

  37. Banning things due to lack of respect and recognition toward specific culture would do nothing but bullying. Fictions and fantasies have little or none to do with what is actually happening in the real world ,which “most of us civilized people” should have REASONABLY understood by now.
    Please wake up hypocrites, this is getting ridiculously out of hand. These actions won’t do any better for the underaged. Don’t get me wrong, I strongly oppose the idea of child sexual abuse, and back the concept of condemning it. However, blaming irrelevant matters, or even banning them, for the cause of the issue will be the last thing I’ll do to support.

  38. 児童ポルノ禁止条約履行ガイドライン


  39. 絵風を限制し 創作自由禁じられる

  40. 我反對迫害二次元,sjw根本無限上綱,面對現實世界一堆罪犯(包刮所謂的聯合國和天主教)不管理,反而限制創作自由言論自由是怎樣?

  41. I ‘m sorry, I am a man but I mistook it for the title and signed it as Ms.
    I am Mr. If correction is possible, I would appreciate it.

  42. 聯合國根本沒搞清楚蘿莉控跟戀童癖的差別,只是為了栽贓而栽贓

  43. 如果歐美人因為自己的基因而歧視亞洲人的基因是件可笑的事
    那這樣所有亞洲人都未滿18歲了 我媽媽已經快60歲長相跟20多歲差不多

    老話一句 思想是自由且無罪的

  44. ヨーロッパとアメリカであなた自身の問題を管理してください、過度に日本を干渉

  45. I really dislike that since this ban covers all minors, even hentai containing high schoolers are affected. We should be able to draw and share what we want (not with the whole internet, of course).

  46. 『自分か銃使った,たから他の人の本を禁止する』で?


  47. This is actually a gene discrimination against Asian people… You cannot ban them just because they look younger than other races.
    On the other side, do these people really believe that they could make any changes by banning Loli art? To be honest, Japan produces these creations and has lower children-sexual criminal rate than most western countries.
    Stop showing your power by controlling people who do not naturally speak English. I strongly oppose the idea of child sexual abuse, and I strongly oppose the power abuse against creation freedom.

  48. 反對壓縮自由創作空間
    擁有正確的價值觀 不管看多少成人向作品都影響不了

  49. I agreed

  50. 東西方審美跟基因本來就不同,反對破壞日系與萌系創作自由!

  51. *Priest rape tons of child*
    UN :
    *Drawing cute girl without hurting anyone*
    UN : *triggered*

  52. 反對此案

  53. 要完全忽略造成未成年性犯罪的各種因素,各種事件起因、背景和當中過程,與造成催化的原因,並將之牽拖到另一種事物上,能表現出的僅僅只有對人性、犯罪、性犯罪或邏輯與整體環境的無知與傲慢,以及鄉愿;又或者只是想找個代罪羔羊,以把最令人不齒的案件種類與其發生的緣由歸罪在這上面,用以「假裝」他們毫無責任,或彷彿真的做得很多。


  54. 限制他人的思想,算什麼自由

  55. 這些都只是平面圖,並不會讓人犯罪

  56. 反對此草案,造成兒童性侵並非那些認真創作的繪師而為,他們已經是個賣肝換取些許薪水的工作者了,如今這個限制對他們而言將會是更大的傷害,請別再以刻板去批評他們的努力,我們該給與的是鼓舞及支持。

  57. […] petição segue um longo post publicado em 18 de Fevereiro de 2019 (mesmo dia da divulgação do Protocolo da ONU), analisando os problemas do Protocolo em conflito […]

  58. 反對這種案件通過

  59. 結局、彼等の言う児童保護なんて


  60. 之前還有一則國際新聞的內容是關於某位批評日本ACG含有過多兒童性暗示的聯合國評論家,因涉嫌五起兒童性侵案被捕,該評論家同時為「英國兒童權利與聯合國條約」一書的作者,這樣的人所存在的聯合國是否適合管理或批判這些所謂的「犯罪內容」讓人感到非常的疑惑,用自己的偏見來主觀的打壓他國的流行文化,還如此的自命清高,難道一個維護世界和平的組織也就這點程度嗎

  61. no video no game= peace and love?

  62. If fictional sexual content is banned, then fictional violence games, films, TV shows etc. should also be banned because they also encourage people to convict murder by the same logic.

  63. 反對此案通過

  64. 1.据数据表明,封杀儿童色情完全不能降低现实中的侵害,反而会增加侵害几率。原本部分由此念想的犯罪者由于看儿童色情,有了自我发泄的渠道,就不再想去现实中实行,由于犯罪成本问题,而封杀了儿童色情之后,那些人会由于发泄渠道的封锁,从而走上犯罪道路。

  65. 我觉得这样是侵犯创作者的权利,更何况二次元和现实不同,画萝莉又不是恋童癖,而且也没有人笨到看了同人本去模仿里面的情节去做坏事。

  66. 反對這個法案。這跟中國大陸一直被詬病的“網絡遊戲成癮是因為遊戲不好”有什麽區別嗎?我想你們應該不會為了防止近視眼的發生就禁止使用電子產品吧。

  67. How many times do we need to point out that people will only be driven underground when you prohibit something? How many examples of past AND present experiences do we need to point out, before these people will understand that they will not only NOT reach their (supposed) goal, but it will actually make the problem WORSE!!
    I hate politicians for many reasons, but things like this are what rile me up the most. Just making up new (stupid) propositions (often because they think it will strengthen their position before elections), without backing it up with evidence! If they did even the slightest bit of research, or, bothered to even slightly think about it, they would know that this will not solve anything.
    It will make it harder to find actual criminals, because law enforcement efforts will be wasted on the ‘easy to catch’ people that basically have done nothing wrong, it will waste budget and resources on those efforts and on lawsuits for these people…
    Sorry, I can go on and on and on, but the point is, their plans are stupid and have no basis in reality to even be considered a viable option.
    I just hope there aren’t too many fear mongers and representatives looking for an easy ‘win’ that will still vote ‘yes’ on this proposition.
    If they do, it’s yet another step towards 1984’s big brother, going to watch you and judge everything you do.
    Okay, maybe that’s a bit too dystopian, but let’s be real here, it doesn’t exactly help freedom of speech and expression.

  68. 反對此案通過

  69. Killing the crime is not killing the dream.

  70. 反對此案通過

  71. This is an extremely serious infringement on the freedom of speech. This would open a door for censorship of fictions. One day all sexual, violent or any “immoral” fictions will be banned by the reason “normalizing crimes” under this rationale. Sexual and violent contents are only read by adults for a reason, stop treating people like idiots or potential criminals.

  72. UN can only allow themselves to be legal-rapers but others who create art as illegal.
    They try to rape everyone’s mind and rights with so call JUSTICE, an abnormal psycho mental disorder.

    If we took a look at the criminal rate of child sex abuse, the rate in Europe and USA is higher than the one in Japan or Asia Countries. What’s worst is the rate in western Countries has an increasing trend.
    There’s a Chinese idiom, “A thief call help to capture the other thief.”
    Today, Japenese Anime is not a thief, but the UN is definitely the thief of theives.

    To those, who agree to this UN proposal, I can only give them this sentence to bless them:
    “Those who tries to find realty in the imaginary thing must suffer in brain diseases.”

  73. 反對此案通過

  74. 反對此案通過

  75. 迫害二次元

  76. 反對這項提案

  77. 你們是不是把二次元和三次元劃上等號了?

  78. 在不侵犯他人權利的前提之下,人類理當享有自由這項權利,而兒童色情雖然被許多人歸類為不道德的,但只要沒有讓兒童拍攝,也不是針對真人真事進行描寫,並沒有人的權利受到侵害。言論與創作也屬於人類的自由之一,不應該被允許用道德作為藉口,進行剝奪。試想,若人類的自由權,能因為道德被剝奪,那麼其他人類基本權利呢?

    When others’ right is not violated, we ought to have the right of freedom. Child pornography is widely considered as immoral, but as long as no real children participate, nor is the creation about real children existing, nobody’s right is violated. The freedom of creation and speech are part of the freedom we ought to have, and should not be taken away due to reason of moral. Just imagine, if people’s freedom can be taken away due to this reason, what about other human rights?
    Moral can be used as a rule for self restriction and self regulation, in order to drive the world closer to the perfect world that you expect, but you cannot command others to follow it. On the other hand, laws are the baseline that everyone needs to follow, to protect every individual and the whole society under the difference of morals, and are the limitations that we have no choice. Two of them should not be confused.

  79. it’s not even about banning legitimate child hentai…..westerner’s inability to interpret age depiction in anime style art has them labeling every single anime female character as underaged girl…………..

  80. well said!

  81. Why UN not control itself first, itself is the biggest problem.

  82. 联合国没事找事情做,黑市武器、粮食危机、饥饿人口问题等不去处理,倒是文化要去限制?有什么研究证实这些会影响?萝莉控不看动画也是萝莉控,看了萝莉的动画不一定会成为萝莉控。没事找事情做

  83. 假如有人想要對兒童犯罪,有可能看到某些作品,自己手淫後取消了念頭~

  84. 我强烈反对该草案通过,这完全是限制创作者的自由,画萝莉色情创作不代表创作者在现实中会做出恋童之事

  85. “We raping children is OK, while you drawing children is not.”-the UN

  86. 这完全是对日本的文化创作者的赤裸裸的迫害。

  87. 這都要ban我看聯合國現在都吃飽很閒哦

  88. 蘿莉是一個文化,禁止並不能正真降低對兒童犯罪的機率。當一個人,真的很喜歡蘿莉而聯合國卻禁止時,他們更有理由去找真人吧

  89. 私以为限制儿童色情是假,强加白种人之审美借进而输出价值观是真。西方人的儿童与亚洲人的儿童定义本有不同,对女性青春之美亦有差异,这一草案的对象是“形象上类似儿童的”,那这一形象又有谁来定义?看似是维护儿童权利,本质是不允许出现另外一种审美观。今日扼杀审美,明日是不是要接着人权之名来入侵国土?联合国成立本来是要为了让世界又不止一种声音,而如今却只允许出现一双眼睛?

  90. 我强烈反对这个法案!艺术创作不应该被各种理由所限制!!

  91. 我强烈反对这个法案!艺术创作不应该被各种理由所限制!!

    1. fuck SJW

  92. Dear Committee,
    There are few things more important than protecting children from sexual abuse. That’s why I fully support the international ban on child pornography, in the form that it exists now: a ban on images and videos of real children being abused.
    I do not support the proposed extension of the definition to include drawings, cartoons, written materials, toys, or other representations of imaginary or fictional children, as proposed in the current draft Guidelines on the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.
    There is no evidence that representations of imaginary or fictional children results in harm to real children. Therefore, banning such representations would infringe the right to freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    Please ensure that no recommendation that state parties censor or criminalize artistic or literary representations of imaginary or fictional children is included in the final Guidelines.

  93. please don’t do that

  94. get the fuck off!you just want everybody agree with your Western Aesthetics!i’m an European and i want Diversified Aesthetics!

  95. 强烈反对此法案通过

  96. 反对

  97. I firmly oppose!! First of all, creation should not be interfered with. Whatever the content of creation, it will not hurt anyone in reality. This law is totally unreasonable. It’s too much to stifle such artistic creation because of your unreasonable demands, especially because the standard is unfair and too strict. And Asian figure painting has always had this style. It is unreasonable not to consider Asian artistic creation to meet European standards. If this is a regulation to regulate the whole people, which does not concern some people and can not tolerate the situation of most people, it is a serious discrimination, which is equivalent to erasing the diversity of ACG culture. Today, in modern civilization, people will be reported and laughed at for their creation. What a shameful thing.

  98. 限制创作根本毫无道理

  99. 谁都没有资格限制思想的自由

  100. 你们有这个闲功夫去管一下你们身边的侵害怎么样,这个圈子里许多人不但没有对幼女产生性幻想,反而是压根对现实的女性失去了性上的性趣,虽然你们初衷可能是好的,但是也请自重。别有的没的都瞎管一通。

  101. 为什么要禁萝莉,我们并没有伤害到现实世界的任何人.我们只是单纯的喜欢漫画纸上的萝莉而已.每个人都有不同爱好的权利,同性恋可以被理解甚至禁止被歧视,为什么喜欢萝莉就必须被封杀呢?和同性恋们一样,我们也只是喜好比较特殊的人群而已,而且都只是喜欢漫画动画里面的虚拟萝莉,并没有伤害到现实世界的任何人!!!

  102. 虽然我很想支持这个项目,但如果这个项目的组织者将台湾、香港和澳门都算作是“国家”的话,很抱歉,我会抵制这个项目。我希望组织者能将“国家”标签改为“国家/地区”,或者删除这些选项。
    Although I support the point of this project, I would never sign my name if organizers of the project regard Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as countries. I hope organizers could change the label “country” to “country/region”, or just delete these options.

    1. Sorry about this. Hong Kong and Macau should not be listed as countries. The status of Taiwan is politically disputed and Prostasia Foundation doesn’t take any position on that dispute. The website code that we are using is from a third-party plugin.

      1. The meaning of the existence of the United Nations is only such a bizarre event.

  103. 這樣的話是不是應該禁止遊戲犯罪,這樣犯罪率會不會縮小?那麼不應該只禁兒童色情

  104. 現在聯合國辦事有夠兩光,氣候、糧食等都還沒處理好,還有印巴處於不確定因素,沒事還管二次元文化,英英美代子

  105. Done.
    Hoping for the best.

  106. 只有无知的人才会用这种以偏概全手段限制文化的发展与交流,

  107. ㄈ“ㄈ“ㄈ“

  108. 我反对这个草案 你们只是想打画风战罢了

  109. There is not a crime.
    Why ban it.

  110. 兩光想法、三流辦事,跟中共、isis沒兩樣

    1. 台湾人真是无药可救,这种地方还要转移火力扯这种无关的

  111. United Nation is just a piece of rubbish now.

  112. no

  113. 架空の子供よりも実物の子供の人権守れよ

  114. 反對此法案

  115. Do not spread foolish thoughts to people.
    Do not affirm a stupid law.

  116. I signed your petition. I oppose hentai ban, too. As you say, it’s just against the freedom of expression. And it doesn’t reduce real child abuse.

  117. もはや意味が分からない

  118. no!

  119. + Leave Art Alone and Stop Real Crimes
    + Stop Persecuting Artists, Save Real Childern
    + Stop Wasting Real Police on Fictional Crimes

  120. 支援一下

  121. […] Experts to United Nations: Hentai ban would be a mistake – Prostasia Foundation […]

  122. 動漫不等於現實我們動漫迷最,動漫滿足幻想減少犯罪如果你們聯合國禁了是在增加犯罪率不是減少

  123. Once a tree get chopped down, it will never grow back like the same.
    Once a prisoner get executed for false charge, they can never have their own justice.
    Loli/shota art has never been proved leading to raise the rate of real sexual abuse on children. Without evidence, banning them equals to convicting the innocent.
    UN’s wrong move must be stopped. All SNSs should quit supporting injustice and remove exceesive restriction on art of unreal “children.” It will be too late once the law incriminating harmless behaviors are created.


  124. 国連は、架空の児童を取り扱った創作物を規制する前にまず自分の組織の中で起こっている国連PKOによる子供に対する性的虐待や少女売春をどうにかするべきだ。

    The UN should first deal with sexual abuse of children and prostitution of girls by UN PKO taking place in their own organization before regulating creative works dealing with fictional children.

    Should we control child sexual abuse etc in the Catholic Church rather than restricting pornography without victims and children by texts and illustrations!

    Many sex offenders are not artists but rather friendly people

  125. illusory world is not the same as the real world. I fight with a knife and a gun in the game. I use the dagger to assassinate the enemy. But no one in the real world would think so, so I think the root cause is not anime, virtual and reality are very Great difference, I hope you can understand

  126. Please allow the editing of the form letter.

    1. OK, it can now be edited.

  127. 看動漫並不會使犯罪率提高 或許說也有降低的可能

  128. 强烈反对此项通过

  129. 把这项法案中的名词换一下吧:

    1. Preposterous

  130. We are truly in a state of war right now. Our moronic species has been progressively seized by this extreme neurosis regarding childhood sexuality and CSA, and as proud Terrans we are implementing solutions that are enormously meritless and self-injurious- just as we would for any other issue we’ve confronted. But this issue for whatever reason has caused truly epic levels of hysterical bullshit- all while we do nothing to address actual sexual assault and causes of injury such as circumcision and gender/sexual reparative therapy- both of which are inflicted by one’s own parents. Nope, the issue isn’t removing 1/3 or so of boys’ dicks (and it’s even worse when they carve up females) or religious oppression of kids’ sexual and gender identities, but these fucking hentai artists who draw fake kids who bear little resemblance to RL kids physically or psychologically and whose forms many of us perverts **actually overwhelmingly prefer!** And also clearly we need to occasionally declare teenagers both victims and perpetrators of child porn for the dastardly deed of sending their partners nude selfies when they were 17, and make sure they’re on a registry for life and, preferably, convince them through a lifetime of utterly demoralizing societal/judicial abuse and sabotage to implement the one permanent cure for a disease they never had.

    We are monumentally retarded as a species. But, what perhaps I find the most saddening/infuriating is the fact that many furries- people who are generally sex-positive and within a sex-positive subculture- have become absolute fanatics about banning shotacon/lolicon/cub and all other traces of pedophilia. Some will expend inordinate amounts of time scrutinizing someone’s gallery and history for pedofurry influences and erotica, managing in the process to peruse far more fictional underage furry smut in a few weeks than I’ve managed to over the preceding 3 years! They even betrayed one of their own allies lately because he had the audacity to politely suggest they limit the grand cub inquisitions to just the high-value cases who’ve done bad things.

    Oh, and naturally, many of these people are guro, vore, rape, and death fetishists, and they’re REALLY sure Britain or whatever their censorious country is won’t ever add their own horrifying shit to any “extreme porn” prohibitions- despite the fact such lists have already been implemented. Many others have proclivities which often are VERY close to cub in appearance like anime, femboy, sizeplay, even EROTIC AGEPLAY (though they don’t allow kid players or characters, naturally- I *did* find one who actually did RP as a “sexy teenage cub” yet rails against cub porn), and they are oh-so-very-sure that THEIR fetishes won’t be mistaken for underage erotic fiction by their intended overlords even though it’s already fucking happened in a few cases and would only exponentially rise in frequency in the event they’re victorious.

    Furries on Twitter are just fucking terrified of some horny 16-year-old silently following them to enjoy their furry smut submissions. They’ll literally scrutinize all who follow them due to a queer combination of a false sense of moral supremacy and genuine terror at the prospect they’ll be convicted of pedophilia and labeled sex offenders for life. I’ve seen furries swear that cub porn not only is used commonly to “groom” already-horny and curious furry teens into sex, but that THE PORN ITSELF WILL GROOM CHILDREN- even WITHOUT A PERPETRATOR. They fell under the sway of cub porn which no one actually was seducing them with, and thus society must protect him from himself via censorship. But naturally, our laughable sex ed standards and the general furry porn they get off to aren’t to blame.

    I don’t know if we’ll be victorious, but I am quite certain that, if we are defeated comprehensively, I will at least have the consolation prize of laughing derisively and sadistically at these morons as they rage against the censorship of THEIR preferred smut which we had strenuously warned them would naturally follow the great cub/shota/loli bans.

  131. Hello, I sound like to say I’m glad I indeeddid find your article to be interesting and good. What I do find questionable through is that such material can’t be used for sexual abuse, to which, directly, is indeed fine as long as no one real child is involved. But, through other means such as using a material of this type of stuff can help those who do want to harm real children into thinking it’s fine (since I do remember seeing a tweet on Twitter from someone who mentions of this).

    But, to be fair, it’s like anything else, such as guns that are mostly meant to be for protection or used in the right hands. Same goes with this type of material that some people find interesting. In all honestly, the person who uses it (same can be said of showing any type of porn to a child that is more cartoon looking since it seems kids connect more with this type of artstyle) is the one who should get charged if they do this for wrongful means, not the person who introduced it as a type of kink or even an outlet for those who do have these feelings towards real children, then I think it’s fine.

    . But, tbh, there could be those who say it can be used like a drug, that it could maybe trigger someone to do this in life. But, if most people who get into this could be helped by reducing their urge (and other means from therapists, although, from my knowledge, it seems most just assume that these types of people have done harm before they even have done anything, which is just wrong if we consider the “innocence until proven guilty” design.) then I think it’s fine.

    I for one don’t like this type of stuff, as I personally think it’s disgusting. But, I can see the reasoning behind why it should be legal. Along with this, I question how the aftermath will happen, as I see a few possibilities steaming from this if it does pass with those specifically introduced sentences in mind.

    Anyways, I feel like I’m not on either side, but if there is more research to show that this is helpful and reduces the cause of real life problems (although, real porn is a question since I have heard reports of either men or women to get forced into it, it does seem that rape porn of fictional adult characters are excluded from this since it isn’t real), considering anything fictional is by design, non-existing. What I do understand through, is that most wouldn’t like seeing these types of things of any fictional character, and tbh, they should just ignore these types of things or hopefully, a choice from IP’s in the future will come up with reducing such material for a deal that parents could use in case they don’t like anything that is violent or porn, but then comes the problems of protecting a child a bit too much imo. Even then through, I feel this is a step that could potentially backfire since the UN has been proven to do this sort of stuff to real children, with no members getting put into a court of law.

    Anyways, nice chatting and have a good day!

  132. We should post more of these on more petition websites.
    Have anybody ever did some?
    Want to know so that i will sign those too.

  133. I believe that United states will not change its United States Supreme Court only because a file from united nation

    But even United states don’t care about it, if this new policy worked in Japan, we still don’t have anything new to watch

    How can they make vitual being equal to actual being!

  134. […] Fontes: Prostasia Foundtation – Página da Petição, Facebook da Prostasia, Only Angry Gamer […]

  135. Finally found this petition. Gonna make a petition too.

    By the way, I have written and sent a mail to UN personally (before aware of this site), if anyone want to send them, feel free to copy-edit-paste my file.

    Be Noted that it’s stated to be sent from “Anonymous Internet User from Thailand”, make sure to change it.

  136. I can’t believe we’re actually reading this in the year 2019. What kind of a parody of a medieval society are we living in? We stopped persecuting writers and painters in the Renaissance period… the only time after that were the Nazis who held book burning ceremonies. What the heck is this doing in the 21th century?! Man wants to sent people to Mars, create Artificial Intelligence, have self driving cars… while first world governments and even the United Nations are now behaving like a papal government from 1960! There are no words, this is sheer insanity: The civilized world will fall apart unless we step in and do something now.

  137. When we’re worrying about the whole world going wrong, there is another group which has chosen to join the evil side: EU. Thanks to those SJWs, the countries didn’t have the ban (Netherlands, Denmark, etc) are now forced to incriminate harmless pixels and their creators.
    I just hope we’re able to push back.

  138. In reality people who would do that kind of thing would not care about this at all.

  139. There are people who compensate for what they can’t do in the 3D world with the 2D word. Therefore, if the regulation is approved, there will definitely be an increase in actual child abuse.

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