Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund

The Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund is a fund to provide support to those who are persecuted by the law for exercising their right to freedom of thought through fiction or fantasy. There is a large backlog of cases of real child abuse waiting to be investigated by authorities. In this light, prosecuting individuals over fiction or fantasy is more than a waste of resources, it’s tantamount to child abuse. Causes eligible to be supported through the Fund include fighting obscenity prosecutions, challenging seizures, and defending your free speech rights. Funds are applied at the absolute discretion of Prostasia Foundation, a s.501(c)(3) charity.

2020-2021 supported causes

In 2020 and 2021 Prostasia Foundation supported the following legal challenges to protect your right to freedom of thought through fiction and fantasy. Click to read more.

Challenging illegal sex toy seizures by US Customs: success!
Mister Double obscenity prosecution: can publishing fictional short stories be a crime?

Please take a stand, by giving generously to protect freedom of expression and freedom of thought.

Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund

The Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund is a fund to provide support to those who are persecuted by the law for exercising their right to freedom of thought through fiction or fantasy. There is a large backlog of cases of real child abuse waiting to be investigated by authorities. In this light, prosecuting individuals over fiction or fantasy is more …

  • $20
  • $50
  • $100
  • Custom

You can use the “Order notes” field to specify which current cause you would like your donation to support. While we will do our best to respect your wishes, donations are disbursed at Prostasia Foundation’s discretion and are non-refundable.