Prostasia Newsletter #45—April 2022 View online
Prostasia Foundation Protecting children by upholding the rights and freedoms of all
Pride and Joy

LGBTQIA+ Youth in Conflict

The first official Pride march took place on June 28th, 1970, the one year anniversary of the Stonewall riot. It was the final capstone on New York City’s first Pride Week, and many other cities around the United States organized similar marches and events that year. As the tradition continued and June became a month of celebration, awareness, and protest, Pride month was born, officially recognized by three presidents, Clinton, Obama, and Biden. Pride is now a global phenomena, with celebrations, marches, and other Pride events taking place around the world every June. It has served as a coming-together for multiple generations of the LGBTQIA+ community, providing opportunities for members of the community, young and old alike, to find connection, education, resources, and joy in their identities.

As LGBTQIA+ rights progressed, Pride became known as a family affair, a way for parents to pass on history to children, and allies to join in supporting their neighbors, loved ones, and community at large. This evolution did not come without resistance, especially during reactionary periods where LGBTQIA+ identity was treated as inherently predatory or harmful to children, but the tradition grew and gathered strength nonetheless. Today, millions celebrate Pride month in a variety of ways, and participation has become increasingly accepted in society.

This year, Pride comes with challenges both old and new. The United States has once again found itself in reactionary times, and right wing extremist groups have spent the month targeting not only Pride events themselves, but LGBTQIA+ individuals as a whole. The Proud Boys have attacked multiple Pride events along with other extremists like Patriot Front, often instigating violence and threatening the safety of participants. Several states have spent the last few months passing anti-trans legislation, including legislation that limits access to medical transition for both minors and adults, legislation banning LGBTQIA+ topics in schools, and labeling parents of trans children as abusers for following best practice guidelines for supporting their children. The recent Supreme Court overthrow of Roe vs. Wade included references in the majority opinion to future challenges against the cases that set precedent for same-sex marriage and protection from sodomy laws, as well as privacy as a whole which underpins a great deal of LGBTQIA+ rights precedents.

The political climate has steadily worsened in many regions around the world for the LGBTQIA+ community, including similar legislative pushes have been made in the UK, as well as increased violence and oppression abroad in Russia, and recent set backs for same-sex marriage in Japan. Despite this, more people identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community around the world than ever before and Pride events continue to be held in the face of growing violence.

The impact of anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and hate is stark. More than half of LGBTQIA+ youth considered suicide in the past year and adults with marginalized sexual orientations were three times more likely this year to experience homelessness while transgender adults were eight times more likely to experience homelessness than cisgender, heterosexual peers. Hate crimes against the community are on the rise, and sexual assault/sexual violence remain areas of significant concern for LGBTQIA+ youth and adults alike.

LGBTQIA+ youth are experiencing a period of unfathomable vulnerability, and while awareness of their needs remains high, support of those needs is failing in many places in the world. The joys of Pride Month are more important than ever in the face of this rising violence and discrimination, and it is unsurprising that many in the community are looking back to the original Stonewall riot as a herald of what may come once again. For this Pride month, Prostasia invites all members of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially those who have experienced sexual violence, to celebrate the joy of Pride with us. We seek to acknowledge the pain so many in the community are experiencing, as well as the interconnectedness of the community and the many ways in which individuality, identity, and existence can be celebrated this year. Most vitally of all, we renew our commitment as a survivor-led organization to support LGBTQIA+ survivors, and to center the unique needs of vulnerable community members in our advocacy.

Prostasia wishes you all a joyous Pride Month, and all the strength, solidarity, and support that LGBTQIA+ survivors of sexual abuse need and deserve right now. We encourage everyone to speak out against the violence and legislative oppression being inflicted on the LGBTQIA+ community. We hold love in our hearts for everyone celebrating Pride in isolation due to dangerous environments, and to everyone reflecting on the community’s history whether alone or with others. We wish safety to all those protesting anti-LGBTQIA+ discrimination and fighting for a more just future for our youth.


Now, more than ever, we must all stand together in the face of hate and cruelty. LGBTQIA+ youth deserve to grow up safe, supported, and free in their homes and communities. May Pride continue to be a victory celebration, as well as a space of acceptance and dreams for a better world.

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Passionate about researching effective resources for children? One of our open positions is for a researcher!


As a researcher, you are responsible for working with our activist team to identify opportunities for advocacy and effective policy and social change in support of Prostasia’s goals. A researcher should be inquisitive and have a good eye for detail when it comes to noticing gaps in existing research areas.


Read more and apply here. LGBTQ+, sex workers, and BIPOC encouraged to apply!

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